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Australians need to judge Labor’s Budget against four sets of criteria. By David Hughes.
Australians’ living standards will not Âimprove unless our productivity crisis is solved. By Nico Louw.
The Productivity Imperative: Policies for a prosperous Australia
A neurological analysis of the challenges faced by younger generations.
Nico Louw joins 6PR Radio to discuss why falling productivity is one of the main reasons Australian living standards have declined in recent years.
MRC Executive Director, David Hughes, joins 4BC to explain why Australia’s class action system funnels mega-profits to lawyers and litigation funders at the expense of victims.
The Leader of the Opposition outlines his vision for Australia in a keynote address to the Menzies Research Centre.
We need to challenge the current understanding of fairness and intergenerational inequality. Excessive government spending and an outdated tax system are the great intergenerational injustices of our time. By David Hughes.
MRC Executive Director David Hughes spoke with A Current Affair as part of their investigation into the litigation funding industry.
An analysis of household electricity prices in Australia compared to selected developed economies.
By young people, for young people.
Establishing a Youth Action Group comprised of young leaders from each state. The group meets monthly to discuss policy ideas and is often joined by a prominent guest
Conducting polling on young people to understand the concerns of young people and how we can use Liberal values to address them
Developing policy on priority issues for young Australians
Building a media presence of young people willing to advocate for liberalism
The antisemitism crisis gripping Australia exposes not only the fragility of our social cohesion but also the failure of our leadership to grasp the unique and insidious nature of this ancient hatred. By Freya Leach.
A majority of Australians believe social media is harmful and support measures to ban access for under 16s, according to polling commissioned by the Menzies Research Centre. By Freya Leach.
Australia owes its young people an intergenerational inheritance of both a clean environment and cheap energy. One without the other will degrade our societal fabric. By Freya Leach.
Following our recent MRC report into electricity prices, MRC Senior Fellow Nick Cater has been actively exploring new arguments in support of nuclear power. As Nick’s recent work has found, the claim that renewable energy is cheapest is easily refuted by examining comparative electricity costs across Europe. Countries that invest in nuclear have consistently cheaper prices than those that do not.
Finland’s pro-nuclear Greens Party sets a new path for cleaner, cheaper and consistent power. By Nick Cater.
Australia has slipped to 10th place in the OECD rankings of end-user power prices. Of the nine countries where electricity is cheaper, six have nuclear power stations. By Nick Cater.
Australia should follow the lead of other OECD countries by indexing income tax brackets to inflation. By David Hughes.
A summary of the deteriorating forecasts published in the 2023 Intergenerational Report.
As a Subscriber or Donor, apart from receiving exclusive events and special offers on MRC products, you will enjoy the satisfaction of supporting the think tank that is dedicated to defending the principles of freedom and enterprise espoused in Australia by Sir Robert Menzies and his successors John Howard, Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison, among others.
The Government’s pre-election proposal to wipe 20% of all HECS debt will create a $16 billion tax that absolves universities of accountability and punishes the 24 million other Australians who don’t hold HECS loans. By Freya Leach.
Over the last 20 years, Australian Year 10 students have gone backwards in their schooling by one full year. The government must take the tough action required to arrest declining academic standards. By Sarah Henderson.
The right to disconnect law severely undermines flexibility and does nothing to increase productivity in our workplaces. By Michaelia Cash.
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