Our nation’s leader, who seeks to persuade, cajole and manipulate Australians into supporting a proposal for a near-permanent change to our nation’s institutions, doesn’t actually understand it. By Amanda Stoker.
Not spending more is where federal Labor’s assistance for Australians ends. The government’s other cost of living measures are firmly or likely to be inflationary. By Amanda Stoker.
To spend heavily to incentivise one cohort of mothers to work while spending heavily to disincentivise another cohort to do so defies logic. By Amanda Stoker.
The biggest threat to the Liberal brand should the NSW Coalition form minority government is the horse trading required to appease a radical leftist crossbench. By Amanda Stoker.
There’s a gap between Labor’s rhetoric on merit-based appointments and its score settling actions against members of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. By Amanda Stoker.
Proposals designed to help achieve justice for victims of sexual crimes are made with good intentions. But these reforms could permanently undermine our justice system in a way that harms everyone. By Amanda Stoker.
The Queensland government’s payroll tax grab on doctors will worsen the current shortage of medical practitioners in regional and underserviced areas. By Amanda Stoker.
Policy that encourages greater parental responsibility at home is critical to improving students’ educational performance. By Amanda Stoker.
Up until 20 years ago, the Liberal Party was the preferred choice among female voters. To win back this key demographic, the Liberals must do better at articulating the enduring appeal of its core values for a new generation of females - and abiding by them even when under challenge. By Amanda Stoker.
Noel Pearson’s broadside against Jacinta Price only serves to highlight the unanswered questions of the Voice. By Amanda Stoker.
Ron DeSantis has shown that being a principled advocate for common sense in the face of woke culture is a recipe for electoral success rather than political suicide. By Amanda Stoker.
The Federal Government needs to stop demonising gas and start seeing it as part of the solution for cheaper energy. By Amanda Stoker.
Outsourcing the judicial appointment process to an independent body is not a panacea for judicial bias. By Amanda Stoker.
For every conservative Australian, leaning into culture is the key to turning our society around. By Amanda Stoker.
Parochial policy reforms that double-tax interstate property investors will only exacerbate Queensland’s housing crisis. By Amanda Stoker.
Australia’s childcare system needs help and Labor has no plan whatsoever for making it work. By Amanda Stoker.
Pandemic policy overreach from the state Labor governments was much worse than Scott Morrison’s ministries mistake and should be called out. By Amanda Stoker.
There is a stark discrepancy between Labor’s motherhood statements on integrity and its actions on union thuggery and industry super transparency. By Amanda Stoker.